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Unfortunately personal relationships don't always work out. When they do break down, emotions can run high and things become acrimonious; children can be impacted; your financial future may seem at risk - the stakes are high. You need a calm head, who understands the law, can negotiate a fair resolution, but can engage in and firmly prosecute court proceedings if this becomes a necessary last resort. Experience is crucial in managing the emotions, identifying the issues, addressing the frequent crises, and steering a course to final completion. On separation, important issues may include: - parenting rights, including who will make decisions related to the children - this includes decisions related to their health care, education, religion and cultural practices, and extracurricular activities [- formerly known as rights or incidents of custody] - parenting schedules , setting out where (with which parent) the children will reside on school days, weekends, summers, Christmases, March breaks and other holidays [- formerly known as custody and access schedules] - the relocation of parents outside of their current municipality - contact with other family members, such as grandparents and step-parents - if a child has special needs, whether involvement of other agencies will be required - child support (the Table amount under the Child Support Guidelines) - children's expenses (section 7 special and extraordinary expenses) - spousal support - medical, dental and other benefits - life insurance - determining the income of a self-employed spouse, for support purposes - the ownership of pets - the division of assets like the family home, businesses, vehicles, vacation properties, investments, and retirement assets such as pensions and RRSPs - the valuation of unique assets such as pensions and businesses, and how these assets are considered in dividing the property of spouses - the identification of debt, particularly joint debt between spouses, and how the payment and discharge of this debt will be accomplished. - Equalization payments - division of property between married spouses - unjust enrichment, trust and other property claims which may exist between common-law (unmarried) spouses The resolution of these issues can shape your life for years to come. It is important to have experienced legal counsel, knowledgeable of Ontario's family laws. Why trust Robert? Robert has been practicing family law since 1993. If commercial interests and businesses are at stake trust Robert to help. Mr. Haas is one of a small number of family law lawyers in the London Ontario Canada area with experience in cases involving both family and commercial law. Robert has also extensive experience in dealing with difficult parenting disputes. He has worked as counsel in multiple trials concerning all aspects of family law. With almost three decades of experience Robert has the knowledge and mastery that you can count on. His offices are centrally located in downtown London. Robert can usually meet with clients within three business days of their initial contact with his office. Contact Robert today for help with divorces, separations, parenting agreements, and more.

Custody Lawyer

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February 25, 2022 05:52 PM
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